Weekly development report 2024/05/25

The second extended week of preparations for the next big release is over. And I have feelings there will be even more of them. :) Well, at least later there should be less minor releases of the "stable" version of the game. The list of changes is longer this week:

  • Fixed the game hangs after a finished event.
  • Fixed starting upgrade of an engine's fuel usage.
  • Fixed showing information about upgrading a gun's damage.
  • Fixed showing the wrong icon when there is the player's ship's upgrade in progress, but no one is assigned to it.
  • The work to rewrite the game in Nim programming language continues. It reached another major milestone this week: the most code of the game is now ported, so the game is mostly written in Nim. :) Well, there is still a lot of work to do, but at least I have something to celebrate. :D
  • And the old code got some cleanups as usual.

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