Weekly development report 2024/05/11

The fourth week of preparations for the next big release ended. Unfortunately, it isn't the last week. While the list of found bugs is shorter this week, the reason is that I got stuck by one bug in Windows version of the game which is main roadblock before the release.  I'm slowly tracking it, but finding bugs in Ada programs (especially graphical and with mixed code) on Windows is a really unfriendly process. So, currently I don't have any ETA for the next release. Well, at least a bigger part of the game will be rewritten, which should also solve similar problems. :)

  • The work on fixing crashing the game on Windows is done. Now at least it doesn't crash, but hangs. :D Let's call it "a progress".
  • When sorting items on the trading screen, the game remembers the items' type selected by the user.
  • Fixed crash on Windows when loading the game's icons.
  • As mentioned above, some code was moved to Nim. I'm still working on the code related to the player's ship's inventory UI.
  • Plus, as usual, the old code got some cleanups related to the task above.

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